
Ahrefs Alternatives: Here’s Why Agencies Use Search Atlas As An Ahrefs Alternative for Backlink Research

Search Atlas vs Ahrefs for Backlink and Competitor Research

In the competitive landscape of SEO and digital marketing, agencies are constantly on the lookout for tools that not only streamline their workflows but also provide them with a competitive edge. While there are several options available in the market, a trend has been observed where more and more agencies are gravitating towards Search Atlas over Ahrefs, especially when it comes to backlink analysis and competitor research. This shift is attributed to a variety of factors that underscore the evolving needs of digital marketing professionals.

Comprehensive Backlink Analysis: A True Ahrefs Alternative

One of the key reasons behind this preference is the comprehensive nature of backlink analysis offered by Search Atlas. In today’s SEO strategies, understanding the backlink profile of not just your own site but also those of competitors is crucial. Agencies have found that Search Atlas is a true Ahrefs alternative and provides a more detailed and actionable set of data compared to its counterparts. This depth of analysis allows agencies to craft more effective link-building strategies that are based on current, data-driven insights.

Superior Competitor Research Capabilities

Competitor research is another area where Search Atlas has been recognized to outperform. The tool’s ability to dig deep into competitors' SEO strategies gives agencies a clearer view of the landscape they are operating in. This includes insights into keyword priorities, content strategies, and the backlink profiles of competitors. Such comprehensive competitor analytics enable agencies to identify gaps in their strategies and discover new opportunities for growth, making this Ahrefs alternative an invaluable asset for staying ahead in the game.

Page Analysis Capabilities

Search Atlas' Page Analysis feature allows you to thoroughly audit the content of any page URL, providing detailed recommendations for enhancements. Discover how your client's content stacks up against top-ranking competitors with our sophisticated content scoring system. By adhering to the audit suggestions, you can create more effective campaigns that are poised to perform better.

Unlike Ahrefs, this Search Atlas tool comes equipped with an Onpage Audit Tool that delves deep into the content of landing pages to identify areas preventing optimal ranking in search results. This includes analyzing missing entities/NLP (Natural Language Processing), optimizing title tags and headings, and assessing both internal and external linking strategies. And, it evaluates technical issues that may be hindering the landing page's performance.

The Search Atlas platform provides an Ahrefs alternative and also gives insights on internal and external linking, offering a comprehensive overview of how well-linked content can enhance SEO performance. Unique to this Search Atlas tool is the ability to generate link-building outreach recommendations based on SERP (Search Engine Results Page) competitors, a feature not found in Ahrefs. This holistic approach to page analysis ensures that all aspects of a page's content and technical setup are optimized for better search engine visibility.

Exploring the World of Content Engineering

Dive deep into the realm of content engineering with access to Search Atlas' vast database encompassing trillions of backlinks, complemented by the cutting-edge AI content generation tools of Search Atlas. The Search Atlas platform facilitates a seamless transition from competitor research to content creation, all within the same dashboard, enabling you to produce up to 100 SEO-optimized articles in just one hour—a feat not possible with Ahrefs.

Unlike Ahrefs, Search Atlas provides a Content Editor enhanced with NLP (Natural Language Processing) and AI capabilities, streamlining the content creation process. With a single click, you can publish content directly to WordPress, simplifying the workflow significantly. The Search Atlas platform supports comprehensive content planning and strategy, helping you map out your content journey with ease.

Search Atlas stands as one of the best Ahrefs alternatives out there by offering topical map generation, which aids in understanding the landscape of your content's subject matter. The platform can also generate perfect AI drafts, allowing for bulk content creation and even competitor URL-based content generation, ensuring your content is competitive and relevant. And AI-driven image generation and automated internal linking further optimize your content for search engines.

One of the most innovative features exclusive to Search Atlas is "OTTO," the SEO automation tool, which significantly enhances the efficiency of SEO tasks. This suite of features, unavailable in Ahrefs, positions Search Atlas as a pioneering solution in the field of content engineering, as well as being an ideal Ahrefs alternative that offers unparalleled support to content creators and marketers alike.

Enhancing SEO with Site Auditor

Site Auditor is designed to meticulously evaluate the technical SEO performance of your client's websites, pinpointing any issues that might be hindering their search performance. It offers comprehensive "How-to-fix" guides for every identified issue, providing clear instructions on resolving technical obstacles. Thanks to 24/7 issue tracking and automated email alerts, you're empowered to address problems promptly before they negatively affect your clients' organic search rankings.

In comparison to Ahrefs, Search Atlas' Site Auditor boasts several distinctive features. It supports a high number of site audits with the flexibility of one-off crawls, and unlimited projects are available on the PRO plan, a capacity that Ahrefs limits to the number of projects.

The Search Atlas tool can crawl up to 1 million pages, an option not available with Ahrefs. While both platforms offer a site health summary and issue prioritization by impact and effort, the Search Atlas Site Auditor alternative option extends its capabilities further.

Exclusive to their platform, you can integrate Google Search Console (GSC) and Google Analytics (GA) data directly into the Site Auditor for a more comprehensive analysis. Real-time website monitoring is another feature that sets us apart, along with the ability for site audits to be publicly sharable for enhanced team collaboration. This site audit tool also allows for exporting data to Google Sheets, instant generation of client site audit reports in Google Docs, and site visualization for a graphical representation of the site's structure.

The Site Auditor from Search Atlas provides options for customizing the user agent and crawl speed, tailoring the audit process to specific needs. These advanced features, unavailable in Ahrefs, ensure that Search Atlas' Site Auditor stands out as a superior solution for managing and improving the technical SEO aspects of your client's websites.

Local SEO Capabilities

Search Atlas is revolutionizing local SEO for marketing agencies with its comprehensive suite of tools designed specifically for those offering local SEO services to small and regional businesses. Understanding the unique challenges faced by local marketing agencies, Search Atlas has streamlined the process of research, execution and reporting, making it more efficient and effective than ever before.

Unlike Ahrefs, Search Atlas provides advanced features such as Heatmaps and Geo Grids, which offer invaluable insights into local search performance across different geographic areas. This capability allows marketing agencies to visually analyze and optimize their clients' local SEO strategies with precision. Also, Search Atlas facilitates the building of citations, a crucial element for enhancing local search visibility and credibility.

While a Google My Business (GMB) Audit feature is marked as "Coming soon," its inclusion will further bolster the toolkit available to agencies, enabling comprehensive evaluations of GMB listings to identify and rectify issues that could be affecting local search performance. This future addition highlights Search Atlas's commitment to providing a full spectrum of tools for local SEO success.

In contrast to Ahrefs, which lacks these specialized local SEO functionalities, Search Atlas stands out as a dedicated ally for marketing agencies focused on local SEO, ensuring they have the resources needed to achieve outstanding results for their small and regional business clients.

Revolutionizing Keyword Rank Tracking with Search Atlas

Search Atlas elevates the standard of keyword rank tracking by offering comprehensive visibility into every keyword your website ranks for, with daily updates on position changes. This feature sets it apart from Ahrefs, as Search Atlas seamlessly integrates with Google Search Console. This integration allows for the inclusion of every keyword in your client reporting, ensuring that you have the most complete and up-to-date data at your fingertips. With this tool, you can instantly identify shifts in keyword positions, both increases and decreases, eliminating the issue of receiving outdated ranking information.

In terms of capabilities, Search Atlas outshines Ahrefs by supporting a significantly higher number of projects and keywords, catering to the needs of businesses and agencies managing extensive SEO campaigns. Unlike Ahrefs, daily keyword rank tracking is included in all plans offered by Search Atlas, ensuring that users have constant access to critical data without additional costs.

Search Atlas also enhances reporting and collaboration by allowing reports to be publicly sharable and embeddable. This feature facilitates easy sharing with clients or team members, streamlining communication and transparency. While both platforms offer local geo-targeting options, including city, state, zipcode, and country-level rank tracking, Search Atlas uniquely provides unlimited rank tracking when integrated with Google Search Console, a feature not available with Ahrefs.

This suite of advanced features confirms Search Atlas's position as a superior choice for keyword rank tracking, offering unparalleled support for SEO professionals and marketing agencies in their efforts to monitor and improve search engine performance.

Keyword Research

Search Atlas takes keyword research to the next level, offering an expansive suite of tools designed to meet the comprehensive needs of marketing agencies. Unlike its competitors, Search Atlas provides access to a wealth of critical data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and cost-per-click metrics, all within significantly higher quotas. This ensures that agencies have the resources they need to conduct thorough research without limitations.

One of the standout features of Search Atlas is its ability to automatically cluster keywords, a functionality that streamlines the process of identifying groups of related keywords. This feature not only saves time but also enhances the strategic planning of content by focusing on clusters that can drive traffic and engagement. Search Atlas also aids in generating relevant article ideas that align with users' search intent, thereby increasing the chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages.

Both Search Atlas and Ahrefs offer capabilities for finding similar and related keywords, tracking keyword search volume over time, and accessing keyword SERP data, including page-level traffic and backlink metrics. However, where Search Atlas further distinguishes itself is in the provision of historical PPC data. While Ahrefs offers historical PPC data up to 5 years, Search Atlas extends this to 10 years, providing a more extensive view of pay-per-click trends and enabling more informed decision-making for PPC campaigns.

In short, Search Atlas stands out as a superior tool for keyword research and gap analysis, offering unparalleled access to essential data and innovative features that empower agencies to achieve SEO success.

Bulk URL Analyzer

The Bulk URL Analyzer stands as a vital tool for SEO professionals looking to streamline their strategy by analyzing multiple page URLs simultaneously. This powerful feature provides access to a range of key metrics including Domain Rating (DR), URL Rating (UR), Trust Flow and Citation Flow, offering a comprehensive overview of a website's authority and link profile. Users can also view organic traffic statistics, total backlinks,and the number of referring domains for any given domain, providing valuable insights into their SEO efforts.

Both Search Atlas and Ahrefs equip users with the ability to analyze DR, UR, organic traffic, the number of referring domains and the total number of backlinks. However, Search Atlas further enhances its analytical capabilities by integrating Majestic Data and Moz Data into its platform. This includes Citation Flow (CF), Trust Flow (TF), Topical Trust Flow from Majestic and Spam Score from Moz—features that Ahrefs does not offer.

This integration of additional data sources into the Bulk URL Analyzer allows for a more nuanced understanding of a domain's SEO performance. By providing metrics such as CF, TF and Spam Score, Search Atlas offers a deeper dive into the quality and relevance of backlinks as well as potential red flags associated with a domain's backlink profile. These alternative insights are crucial for SEO professionals aiming to refine their strategies and achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages.

In essence, the Bulk URL Analyzer by Search Atlas empowers users with an extensive array of data and metrics, surpassing the offerings of Ahrefs and enabling more informed decision-making for optimizing SEO strategies.

Enhancing Link Building and Digital PR with Advanced Outreach Tools

The landscape of link building and digital PR is evolving, and with the right tools, you can significantly streamline your outreach efforts. The Search Atlas dashboard now offers an integrated platform from which you can conduct all your link building and digital PR outreach activities. One of the standout features is the automation of Help a Reporter Out (HARO) outreach, which opens up a wealth of linking opportunities by connecting you with journalists looking for expert sources. This process is further enhanced by leveraging artificial intelligence to generate compelling pitches, accelerating the process of securing valuable links and coverage on authoritative websites.

While both platforms offer robust features for link building and digital outreach, it's clear that Search Atlas provides a more comprehensive suite of tools compared to Ahrefs. Noteworthy is the inclusion of a HARO digital PR tool, journalist outreach and publication outreach capabilities within Search Atlas, features that are notably absent in Ahrefs. This allows users of Search Atlas to directly target and engage with journalists and publications relevant to their niche, significantly enhancing the potential for high-quality backlinks and exposure.

And with the ability to create email drip sequences targeted at webmasters based on search engine results pages (SERPs) and Google Maps listings is another innovative feature exclusive to Search Atlas. This tailored approach ensures that outreach efforts are highly relevant and likely to result in successful link acquisition and digital PR outcomes.

You can see that the advanced outreach tools and digital PR features offered by Search Atlas provide a distinct advantage for users looking to efficiently and effectively enhance their online presence through strategic link building and public relations efforts.

Integrating SEO Insights with the Chrome Extension

Elevate your web browsing experience by integrating the power of the Search Atlas SEO software directly into your Chrome web browser. This innovative Chrome extension allows you to access a wealth of data and SEO insights directly from Google Search, providing you with key SEO data as you navigate through various websites. This seamless integration ensures that valuable information is always at your fingertips, enhancing your ability to make informed decisions on-the-fly.

Both Search Atlas and Ahrefs offer this functionality, allowing users to view an overlay of metrics within search results. This feature presents immediate insights into the SEO performance of websites directly from the search engine results page (SERP), streamlining the process of competitor analysis and keyword research. A page toolbar is available, offering detailed metrics about the website and specific pages you visit. This includes insights into page authority, backlink profiles and other crucial SEO metrics, further enriching your browsing experience with actionable data.

The Search Atlas Chrome extension serves as a powerful tool for SEO professionals, digital marketers, and content creators who wish to keep a pulse on the SEO landscape without interrupting their workflow. By providing instant access to critical SEO metrics and data, both Search Atlas and Ahrefs empower users to optimize their online strategies effectively, directly from their web browser.


Cost-effectiveness plays a significant role in the decision-making process for many agencies. With Ahrefs and other tools experiencing price hikes, Search Atlas has emerged as a more economically viable option without compromising on the quality or range of features offered. This aspect is particularly appealing to agencies looking to maximize the value they get from their SEO tools without inflating their operational costs. With the availability of a 7-day free trial allows agencies to explore the full suite of features before committing, adding another layer of value to the offering.

User-Friendly Interface

Another factor that contributes to the growing preference for Search Atlas is its user-friendly interface. Agencies report that the platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, which reduces the learning curve for new users and streamlines the overall workflow. This ease of use ensures that teams can focus more on strategy and less on navigating complex software, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Is Search Atlas Just One Of Ahrefs Alternatives?

SEO and digital marketing, agencies are always in pursuit of tools that not only offer advanced features but also align with their strategic goals and budgetary constraints. The shift towards Search Atlas over Ahrefs for backlink and competitor research signifies a broader trend of seeking out solutions that provide comprehensive insights, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendliness. As agencies continue to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, tools like Search Atlas stand out as allies in their quest for dominance in search engine rankings and online visibility.

Get Started With Search Atlas The Ahrefs Alternative?

Ready to elevate your agency's SEO and digital marketing game? Discover the power of comprehensive backlink analysis, unparalleled competitor research, and a user-friendly interface with Search Atlas. Don't let cost constraints hold you back from accessing top-tier SEO tools. Take the first step towards outperforming your competition and maximizing your online visibility. Try Search Atlas today with their 7-day free trial and experience the difference firsthand. Join the growing number of agencies making the smart switch to Search Atlas and transform your digital strategy now!